Old 03-08-2012, 02:58 AM
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NewBeginning010's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Yep, went through this & had a few threads/posts on this subject as well. I was quite baffled by how much some of my friends didn't understand even when I went as far as telling them that I quit as it was negatively affecting my life (some in heavy detail.... others light). One of my good friends went as far as to tell me that he was uncomfortable with me not drinking when we went out... I mean WTF.

Things have pretty much sorted themselves out but I still have a few friends that are always looking to... Go Out ;-) Of course this is going to some nice restaurant & then hanging around drinking afterwords. I find the more consistant I am with my responses & continue to offer altertnate plans the ones that want to spend time with me will go with the flow & others will give up on trying to get me out to have dinner &.... drink.

My friends saw me when I was a happy drunk at the bar sometimes a little messy... they didnt know that was just the warm up & the impact it had on my life for the next few days.

I have learned that this is my addiction/problem & to stay sober I have to be firm with what is going to work & what might risk my sobriety. Its not worth it.

All of the best in your recovery
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