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Old 02-10-2012, 09:38 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 3
Unhappy Day 3 - Very Nervous

Hello, All.

I'm new to these forums, and to alcoholism, so please excuse any ignorance.

Like an idiot, and for whatever reason (God only knows), I decided to start drinking about a month 1/2 to 2 months ago. Until that point, I had only drank socially, here and there, and never to the point of slurring/stumbling.

I'm 35 years old, about 190 - 195lbs. Again, for the past month 1/2 to two months, I've been drinking every day (only at night between 6 - 10PM - never during the day). When I started, it was 2-3 beers a night, which progressed to 4 - 5 beers a night, then to 6 beers a night. At the end of my 2 months of drinking, I was drinking about 3 - 4 24oz cans of Ice beer (5.6% abv) a night.

I immediately saw a terrible problem developing, and fast, so I decided to stop cold trukey. Today is day three of having nothing. I've been relatively OK during the day, but have been having episodes that last a few hours, of anxiousness/slight panicy feeling, tightness of the abdominal muscles, and a tightness in my chest - it doesn't feel like I can't breathe, but that each breath takes more conscious effort to take. Oddly, my heart hasn't raced. Sometimes it actually feels like it's beating slowly.

Last night, I awoke to a slight panic attack, and when I closed my eyes, I could see geometric patterns swirling around. That only lasted like 20 minutes, and then I fell back asleep, and woke-up in the morning.

I decided to research alcohol withdrawal on the net, and even watched a couple videos on YouTube. Honestly, reading what I did has put me into a state of panic. I've convinced myself that any second, I'm going to die. My hands are cold, and my feet are cold. I think I'm having a little panic attack.

So, instead of letting my thoughts swirl, I decided to join these forums so I could get some feedback from people with experience, instead of relying on my own imagination and ignornance.

Is what I'm feeling normal? Do I need to go to a hospital? Because I've only been drinking for 1 1/2 to 2 months, is the withdrawal I'm feeling life threatening? Any direction here will be GREATLY appreciated!

Thank you all so much in advance.

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