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Old 02-04-2012, 03:16 AM
  # 94 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 1,146
Stubbs, I'll let you in on a little secret. It's common to give newcomers our numbers and extremely rare when one calls before they drink. The AAs make the offer knowing all that and still do it because it's good for them to offer to help you.

When I moved a few years ago I found my phone list from the '70s. I'd put the info from the various business cards and scraps of paper on one piece of legal pad and carried that around drinking for years before tossing it in a drawer. I'd put little stars next to the cute women's numbers because that's the kind of guy I was and made notes on some others. After I got sober I found it again and saw my best friend in AA was on it. I guess I'd ran into him while I was half-drunk in some meeting. I was a little hurt he didn't remember, but then neither did I. He's 33 years sober now and would have been about 1 when we 'met'.

If I had called him before I drank I know he'd have taken the time to help me, but I had a few years to go before I could hear what the AAs had been saying all along, and begin using the same solution that had been working for my good friend and the other AAs on my phone list.

Soon after my number too was being carried around and ignored in the wallets of wet drunks for years. Maybe yours will be too at some point.
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