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Old 01-17-2012, 07:20 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 20
20 Days Sober... Cravings!!!

I've been doing so well, feeling strong and determined and stayed sober for 20 days. I had very few cravings for alcohol and was able to squash those thoughts easily. Then out of the blue last night it was all I could do to keep from going to the liquor store. I actually poured a glass of sherry that I had kept for cooking (which I thought was no temptation) and took a tiny sip. Thank God i had a moment of clarity and dumped the glass and the rest of the bottle and felt so much better.

Then tonight on the way home I was so incredibly tempted to stop and buy booze. Why such strong cravings now? I am also noticing that I'm feeling really depressed (I am on meds for it, but had been feeling great for the last two weeks). Ugh!!!!

I'm so discouraged and so very tempted to drink!!!! Will this pass?
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