Old 01-02-2012, 04:01 PM
  # 8 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 951
Welcome to Sober Recovery. So glad you found the forum.

You ARE doing the right thing. You are keeping your little ones safe, and keeping the woman you love from an accident with them from which she would never recover.

Breathe deep and put on your thinking cap. You cannot force your wife into treatment, and even if you can it doesn't work in the long run, at least in my experience. What you can do is safeguard your children. You've gotten a great start on that. Can you afford to get a place closer to work and hire child care? Is there any way to trim your hours back to an 8 hour work day? Or work from home part of the time?

You may not feel you can talk to anyone, but you now have this forum, which is a great start. You would also be incredibly surprised at how many people from all walks of life are touched by this disease.
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