Old 12-29-2011, 10:20 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Oceanside CA
Posts: 14
MyWife's and A who relapsed after 21 days of inpatient

I have been married to my wife for 9 years as of yesterday. I love and care about her more than anything. We have a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I am in the Marine Corps and have been in for almost 11 years. She has had a serious problem with A for about 3 years. She started with out patient, but was drinking almost every other day. She finally had her "bottom". She was driving around drunk and I had to find her and calm her down and bring her back. She WAS going to a meeting. It got to the point were I couldn't trust anything she said.

Her 21 days went well. She said some powerful thing and seemed to be learning a lot. She came home 2 days ago. On our anniversary, she went to her outpatient program and drank on the way home (and drove) I tried to be understanding. We were going to take the kids to Sea World and the Zoo and stay in a hotel later that day. I calmed her down after the episode and we headed out. She said she was going to have an anxiety attack and asked to Lay in the back of our mini Van. She had stashed some more wine back there and was drinking in the back. When I called her out she said that if I loved her I would take her back to rehab. I took her back. All this happened with my kids in the car. When we got there she pounded 1 more mini bottle and passed out on he lawn in front of the rehab center in front of our children. Since admitted she called and said she was sorry (heard that a million times) and said she was admitted to the physc side of rehab. After sobering up, she calls and says she wants me to come get her.

I really don't want to go get her. I don't want to Put the kids through his anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. There are many more episodes that would shock some people that I haven't even mentioned. She's passed out drink and I've came home from work and found my kids naked and wet from an unfinished bath running around the house. Anyhow, when is enough enough? She wants to go to sea world now. Heck, I wanted her to go. But I feel like she should stay in there. I don't know what else to do for it to sink in. There is so much more to this story that I have not even gone in to. Any advice would be great. Thanks for reading.
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