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Old 11-15-2011, 06:53 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Philly PA
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Hi WhoDey - well if it's not that big of a deal stop for a month or so - right? What's the big deal - show her you can stop and you're in control and I believe she'll see you in a different light.

My guess is that you already know in your heart that you have a problem and you may not be able to say the word because you're keeping a job etc - but I think down deep you know it.

I drank every night for 5 years. Most nights got tipsy but some nights not. I would plan my drinking and ensure that I had alcohol when I went on trips and enough in the house so I didn't run out for a day or two. Towards the end I was sneaking drinks - an extra glass of wine with my other half wasn't looking - finishing off the rest of her beer (I mean why have it go to waste right?).

I realized when my 10 year old son asked me to stop that I would have to - I'm just coming to terms now that I cannot ever have another drink - I'm 13 days in and the last 5 have been having the argument with myself that maybe I can have one or two here and there and it won't be a big deal - but I'm afraid it will be a big deal and get bigger and bigger until I am that alcoholic I don't think I am now (drinking in the morning - drinking directly from the bottle) etc.

My name is Terri and I'm a alcoholic. and it sucks.
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