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Old 11-09-2011, 02:53 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 83

I don't think I've gone through a withdrawal stage yet because the most I've been without Alcohol is probably 2 weeks at best but it was until two days ago when I started having straight nightmares and feeling not quite all there after three days of not drinking and this was from last week heaviest drinking session I've had in my life. Today mark my 3rd day without drinking and I dread going to sleep.

People who haven't seen me in a while all think I look terrible. I'm drinking tea and Gatorade and right now, I don't have the urge to drink, nor have any urge to go out and buy alcohol.

3 days and counting.... But if the withdrawal gets worse, I'm going to down a cold bottle of beer.
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