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Old 11-07-2011, 06:15 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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I'd never heard of 'kindling' when I was detoxing but it sure matches my experience:
Kindling (sedative-hypnotic withdrawal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'd withdrawn safely without assistance 100s of times - the 101st time I wasn't so lucky.
Please see a Dr if you're still in any way unwell or have concerns.

I think "If it doesn't work for you, try something else." is a good plan - but I found I had to leave my comfort zone too - I was so 'smart' I was actually getting in my own way a lot of the time.

I had challenge myself, do things I found uncomfortable and I had to involve other hands and other minds in my brick wall tearing down process.

In the end I had to go against type, stop thinking about it - and just take action.

I made a commitment not to drink again - I was prepared to do anything positive that I could think of to ensure that - I would have tied myself to the bed if needs be.

I rode out the cravings, I called a lot of people for help, I spent a lot of time here reading, posting, and helping others....and slowly I got some sober time behind me, and my perspectives on a lot things began to change

I hope, whatever path you take, this time is your time DH
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