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Old 10-13-2011, 02:58 PM
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bblackbirdflyy's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Midwest, USA
Posts: 1,551
Hello. Day 23? My strep throat has gone, yet something else has taken its place. Constant coughing fits, nasal drainage, the works. lame.

Wiggle- to answer your question, no. I have not found myself yet. Each day another layer peels back and I get a little bit closer. Kind of nice when there isn't someone telling you who you should be or what you should do. Again, I hope all is well! You will get through it and most likely will be happier for it.

Instant - Wow! 150. I am so proud.

Pumpkin too. I liked what you said about being able to hold your head up high.

Classical- not-so-funny how that stinking AV sneaks up. I caught myself thinking about how much it sucks (boo hoo) and how I could get some wine when I felt better. Thats the first time the thought crossed my mind. I peeled myself off the couch and logged onto SR. A better choice.

TP- how was the run? Did I miss that post?

Stream - lol (WTF SOY CHEESE?!!?) Its not so bad. Though I admit real cheese is way better. Also LOL the new oven. Sounds like something I would pull, if I could afford it.

Brat- I'm happy for your fitness accomplishments. what a sweetie you are, inviting wiggle to stay. Winter is coming, can I move to TX and stay with you too?

Paddy you are making great strides. Keep it up!

Dee- thanks for the reassurance about your oven being clean. very nice.

I'm sure I have missed someone, I usually do. If I missed a shout out. "I love ya."

On a personal note. I am home sick for my bath tub. At dad's there is only a shower stall. My favorite feel good pastime is taking a long, hot bath. It is most important when I am feeling under the weather. I do miss my cats and my dog as well. Hopefully I will have all of these things back by the end of January.

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