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Old 09-22-2011, 07:09 AM
  # 380 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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PBC....I have been keeping the light on for you and SO GLAD to see you here. What are your plans to support your sobriety? What can we do to support you? Day 2 is WONDERFUL. YOU ARE KIM POSSIBLE. You can do it and I for one and PSYCHED to cheer for you.


Aussie, holding you in the light for an easy time until the biopsy and then negative "It's Nothing" results. How do you feel about coming clean to your parents? I hope they will be able to give you support. I remember how I felt when I told my husband how crappy I was feeling and why I was going to the doctor. It gave him insight that has let him really help me.

Hey there DAVE! Whoo hoo, what's on the Whomping scheduling today? Easy Does It with FB. Use that energy for GOOD. Being alive sure is a trip, isn't it?

Lofty, your faith in the Man Upstairs inspires me. For now, I feel close to the Nature I see around me and the faith that Nature is endlessly growing and caring. I hope to feel a more active connection to the Divine Unseen, but for now the green world is my anchor.

Hullo Mirage, what's cooking today?

Dee, nice sunset. Thank you for your continuing support for all of us.

Hey there Professor, give us the update on your amazing life. Would love to hear more.

Yoo hoo TOI, how are the weebles? And the doggies?

Super groggy today because I worked out last night and then didn't drink ANY water or eat enough dinner. Woke up hungry at 2AM and ate some bread. Sorta feels like being hungover, guessing it's the dehydration. Good news is that I'm NOT hungover and I can chug water to fill up the tanks.

March it!
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