Old 08-17-2011, 11:08 AM
  # 20 (permalink)  
Shape-Shifting Super-Hero
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Not to worry, my plan is very well defined, and is not merely a rag-tag compendium. It revolves around weekly meetings with a trained addictions counselor and Dr. of Psychology; daily work on the Spiral steps; attending an average of 2 AA meetings per week (my home group, and one other), as well as using the tools offered by SMART and REBT.

I can't really imagine much more structure, outside of a rehab facility

I would add that seeing a trained professional has been an immense help...as much as the 'average Joe' at meeting gives us one view of things, a well trained analyst can help us uncover a lot of things in ways that a sponsor may be unable or untrained to, such that the programs are complimentary rather than antagonistic.

Oh, on that note, my book on The Spiral Steps is due to arrive today or tomorrow, and I look forward to reading about them in more detail than on the website.

Well, day 27, a new record, and feeling good. Tomorrow, I see my therapist, and I am looking forward to it.
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