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Old 08-08-2011, 02:08 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Posts: 80
I'm on week three. I was terrified of my first weekend. Listen to the people here, lots of good suggestions. I got a book and also something to substitute for the wine. Sparkling water with lemon or lime. Maybe juice with mineral water. Something to sip while reading or watching TV. Change it up alittle. Go shopping in the evening, I could never do that because I didn't want to drink and drive. It's nice not to be a slave to the bottle. Come on this board and see if anyone is chatting. Don't be afraid to come on and tell someone if it's getting hard. There's alot of people who will tell you not to drink. Also, take it one day at a time. Just get through Friday, then concentrate on Saturday, and finally Sunday. You can make it through and believe me, the mornings will feel great without a hangover.

One more thing. Maybe start changing it up now before the weekend gets here and don't overlook Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They were just as tough for me. One day at a time really helped.

Stay strong.
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