Old 07-30-2011, 03:03 PM
  # 129 (permalink)  
polyaddicted cocanut
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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I always thought it would be nice to have waterproof earphones/mp3 player... didn't even know it existed...

So this person I made amends to... well... I thought I was in the wrong but now I have been reminded why my relationship with this person was sh*t anyways... and that reminds me...
"'This is a sick man. How can I be helpful to him? God save me from being angry. Thy will be done.' We avoid retaliation or argument, we wouldn't treat sick people that way... God will show us how to take a kindly and tolerant view of each and every one" p. 67

Not so much anger, just frustration, disgust, and the thought comes to mind... "what the hell???"
I swear I just don't understand some people. He's not necessarily a bad person but damn, he lacks the ability to be straight forward, and me, being a very straightforward person, caused our "friendship" to be very bitter in the past. But this person's lack of ability to be straightforward is more than a nuisance, in fact because of it everything he says lacks credibility due to his constant trying to please everyone. It's my fault for being bothered by it, but damn, seriously... I can't take anything he says seriously because it's like he's just saying sh*t to fit in or please someone... He can never give you a straightforward answer, literally... even if it's something stupid, his response is always "IDK", or just some stupid lie... and I don't even understand why he CAN'T just be up front and honest and straightforward... it doesn't make any sense... I could understand once in a while, depending on the situation... but all day, everyday, 24/7, I don't understand why I am bothered by this but no one else is, everyone likes him but it's like I can see right through his BS. Some people like me, some people don't, but it's because I'm honest and straightforward. If I went around making sh*t up just to please everybody or pretending to be something I'm not just to please everyone I would be selling myself short.

I mean, like I said though, he's not a bad person, and I'm not necessarily mad or anything, nothing I plan on dwelling over... It just sucks because I guess I forgot how this person was, I just remember I called him out one time and well... I couldn't remember why until now... It was mainly a jealousy thing at the time though, but if some people can be so naive as to prefer someone like that and enjoy hanging around a suck up who can't think for themselves then so be it... I need to leave our friendship where it was with the amends thing and just back off... and stay away from said individual if it's just gonna cause me to pull my hair out... but above all... I guess the most frustrating thing for me is the fact that it's like I'm the only one who notices that crap... but I mean, he's got character defects just like me and I have to keep in mind that he is a sick individual (I am too by the way)... the only thing that makes me mad about the whole thing is just the fact that no one seems to catch on to that but me... I mean most people do but they don't seem to care... they are happy just listening to his BS... like.... haha IDFK
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