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Old 07-13-2011, 10:05 PM
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Nirvana1's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 325
First, beware of advice from any new comer. This is coming from someone with 7 months sober so make sure to be critical of what I say as well.

In recovery, it is very easy to find what you want to hear and avoid what you need to hear. There are new comers all the time who come in, find the one reason why they are different, and then go back out. The kicker is we usually don't hear all of the horror stories from those who don't like AA, are different, or can do it themselves after a little time under their belt. Were probably lucky to hear a fraction of how bad it really is for the alcoholics who go back out and continue drinking.

You have 60 days and a lot of support right now. What happens if you lose your job? Break up with your girlfriend? You need to have a foundation built up for the unexpected - either good or bad. You need to learn why you can't pick up a drink no matter what. Without some sort of support you will end up relying on your own alcoholic mind to get you out of jams. We all know what our alcoholic minds want, right?

My suggestion would be to go find different meetings. If you are in a large city there are all different types of meetings. Professional, young persons, mixed, and everything in between.

Also, if you are going to the meeting, sitting in the back, and leaving right when the bell rings, you're not getting everything out of AA that you can. You need to talk with people outside your sponsor who understand what you are going through. Go to coffee, meet others for dinner, and just hangout after the meetings and get to know people that you like. It works wonders.

A lot will happen between this 60 day mark and the REST OF YOUR LIFE. AA is there to help you never pick up a drink again. We all know what will happen if we pick up again.

Yes, it's true you only need to not drink just for today. But if you don't work a program and have support, you're going to make getting through tomorrow a whole lot harder.
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