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Old 06-06-2011, 09:41 PM
  # 240 (permalink)  
Gypsy Feet
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(((Amy))) more hugs for you lady!!

I don't really know how I amended the relationship with my parents, I only know it came from working the 12 steps, from listening to my sponsor and from prayer and maybe some grace.

I take my father in short bursts. We are having lunch tomorrow. At some point, I accepted him for who he was. He loves me the best way he knows how, which looks nothing like how I would have it be, and thats ok, because I am nothing like how he envisions a daughter to be.

My daughters father died the night of her birthday. The next day she had midterms, and she post poned them for one week. She finished the semester with all Bs. She gave my dad her grade report (he pays her tuition) and he said "where are the As?". . .
He is a very smart man, but fails at interpersonal communication.

I forgive him, and I am grateful that I am who I am. I am grateful that I have a connection to a loving Creator and I can share the abundant Love that I find in this world with my child.

we all have room to grow
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