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Old 06-04-2011, 05:49 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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(((Roselian))) - when I first got into recovery, I was also working on codependent issues. I kept reading "work through your feelings" and I didn't even KNOW what my feelings were! I just knew they were "something that didn't feel good". I've come to realize that a lot of mine are fear-based...I'm gonna be that old cat lady, no one is ever going to love me, I'm never gonna have a decent career again, I'm always going to be that "woman who used crack", etc.

I've already learned that some of these are totally unfounded, though I may still be the "old cat lady". It took time, reading here a LOT, talking to others to even recognize a feeling, much less realize that it is JUST a feeling, I have choices on how I deal with it. Sometimes I just acknowledge it, allow myself to feel it, and if need be, reach out to others for insight.

I was a world class "runner-from-feelings" type of person, but recovery has shown me that they aren't gonna kill me, and in fact, they've often helped me learn a lesson, kept me safe, and have helped me grow into the person I've always wanted to be. Still have a ways to go, but progress, not perfection.

Hugs and prayers,

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