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Old 03-27-2011, 07:54 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: FL
Posts: 3
Right direction?

Well I have an alcoholic wife whom I have been married to for 5 years. She refuses to work and when she gets really drunk "abusive" I mean I can take it I am twice her size just her squeeze marks on my neck sharp nails and all is embarrassing at work the next day. When lever I try and hold her back from doing it(grab her arms and hold them away) I get look at the marks on me your beating me this and that..

That is just one aspect... We have 2 boys 1 and 3. She refuses to work and says she will not work just to have to pay bills. I had to take her odd the bank account because of very poor decisions to buy beer. She can kick back a 18 with ease and when she does get money that's what she does or finds my wallet hiding spot and drinks away. Her father sends her 100 dollars a month. Because I am controlling and I do not allow her any money for gas haircuts clothes or any fun. I'm guessing all those things are code words for beer. She contantly tells him I'm abusive and she's having "panic attacks" "can you please paypal me 20 dollars to get out of the house"...

Sorry I do ramble and there is a lot to this. I would wake up for work and she would still be drinking and I had to leave the kids with her locked in the bedroom which o felt so guilty for and she would call me a bad father for doing so and that she would sleep at 7 and wake up at 11 a few surprise visits disproved that. Then came the phone call one morning at work... She asleep in the same room.. Johnny got isaac out of his crib pushed the crib over to the closet climbed up there got the key down unlocked the door destroyed the bedroom right next door and began giving isaac a bath... All which was blamed on me. He also hid a key and got out the next day... Well something needed to change I said look you stay up all night drinking when I gotta work I will have to take action.. Blah blah blah is what she heard and low and behold about 3-4 days later... Kicking back tall boys while I wake up at 6... I called DCF told them what's up they came out gave her an evaluation she had just woke up at 4pm and the lady said your still drunk from last night...

She is not allowed to be left alone with the kids, I took a few days off of work when I did this and took her out spent a little money on her gave her attention an said look we need to get this right... Well low and behold kids got sick couldn't be in daycare my sister came over for the week and Teresa my wife had gotten her check from her dad was sick on antibiotics, zoloft, and Ativan she got from the doctor and in 4 days drank 6 12 packs... Thinking my sister was on her "side" ... Just last week she went on a smashing fit destroyed her brand new iPhone o got her for her bday and said "look what you did to my phone, you hit me and broke my phone so I couldn't call the cops"... So I called for her got the kids in the truck and waited for them... They confirmed that she was very intoxicated drew weapons on her and cuffed her didn't take her away but I left for a couple nights...

During that time on Thursday I filed for divorce which should of been done along time ago but I think I was in denial as much as her.

My fear: I'm very afraid of her mom coming down and picking them up and hauling to MD/WV.. I filed a temp injunction to prevent that

Her father is very well off an she is a daddys girl.. I cannot afford and attorney and filled out all the paper work myself and financed the filing fees... I cannot finance and attorney because due to her actions my credit is shot. If he gets her an attorney I feel like I'd be screwed... I know I love these boys more then anything I want everything to be 50/50 raising them and with most fathers now a days hauling butt I tend to be a rarity. I am really afraid of her dad getting a good lawyer and getting full custody and allowing them to move to wv... I would die I'd never see them it would kill me... She does nothing for them I try and get her to go places with us zoo, park, stuff like that. I take them to all their appointments alone even when she was allowed with them... I take tons of pictures of them and post them everywhere she takes picturesof her friends or nude ones of herself to send to guys... I want pictures up on the wall she refuses... It really is like she does not love them... She had a choice to come with us to the er and she stayed home and drank.. Birthdays are spent drunk away from the crowd chugging beers and smoking cigs.. Johnnys first birthday she went to bed at 8 am and I did it all alone...

I think I'm going in the right direction I think I just need reassurance... I really don't have anyone to talk to... She does she has several guys she talks to had an affair with the neighbor and I'm sure more.. Caught her telling a guy "I love you" last night... It hurts and messes with my head when she is trying to kiss me and tell me the same...

I'm very sorry guys for the super post...
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