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Old 01-14-2011, 03:02 PM
  # 128 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: West Coast, Australia
Posts: 319
Hello 90's!

Dee, the flooding has certainly been horrific. Lets hope the cleanup and rebuilding is smooth and quick.

Giraffe - Canasta is a card game - you play in pairs (btw, I'm heading down south to do some crabbing today).

Since giving up, I've been looking for things to do. Some are games that I used to play years ago and include "concentration" (you put all the cards face down and try to make pairs), scrabble, 500's, vanishing whist, lots of movies, going to the cafe's, and reading books. With cards, I'm trying to get my 11 and 15 year old interested. Socialising has definitely lost it shine. My immediate reaction is "why bother"? At last night's Canasta game (no drinking for me btw), the others were organising for 3 families to bring currys over for a "curry night". I was thinking "I can easily give this a miss". But life goes on, and it's a slow recovery and I'll search for the good things about a curry night (like what are the secrets to making a great curry - my last one was 5/10! any suggestions will be gratefully accepted!).

As I opened the door to the guests last night, the little voice started talking to me -" it's okay, perhaps just tonight will be fine". However, because I was prepared for this, the little voice was quite weak. That's something that I've really noticed with my biggest relapse risk (the little voice). If I prepare, ie, plan the night, remind myself about the little voice and jump on SR for support then I'm strong. It seems to be no different to say exercise - you don't get fit by sitting there - you have to work at it. Same for me with sobriety which means preparation for the "little voice".

I'm in a book club (past 5 years). Before joining, I think I would have read about a dozen books in my life! Now I get it - it's a wonderful insight into the minds of others. We take turns in selecting a book and give each a score out of 5. Tonight is the book review and meeting for "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer and although the last several books have scored dismally, this one is a ripper!

Tinman - glad you've come through okay with your family meeting.

Giraffe - would you consider trying another AA?

NoAlcoholToday - best of luck with Eckhart Tolle - if it doesn't work, get the CD instead;

Shegirl - thanks for giving us your story; it really helps.

IamLivingFree - thanks for you great posts of support.

IWLSAST - played Gerry Raferty last night; what a talent

Coop1 - you're always posting! Thankyou!

Zuri - hope everything is going well with you and your family.

Akasha - I hope you're still okay post surgery and that you're not in any pain.

Chloe03 - thanks for being so positive in your posts!

And to everyone - stay strong and sober this weekend

Life=Fun; Alcohol=Devastation.
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