Thread: Lately....
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Old 07-11-2010, 10:55 AM
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I get that little rush of panic sometimes, too (don't like surprises!). If I know ahead of time I'm going to be offered drinks at a function, I can prepare myself mentally. So, maybe the trick is to always be "ready" to deal with that friend who is going to suggest a glass of wine. On the other hand, if the whole idea of getting together is going to be having a few drinks, I would have to turn it down.

Maybe you could ask the friend to go somewhere with you or come over to your house? Have some cranberry and club soda, or lime and tonic....?
Maybe one of your triggers is sitting and talking over wine? I know that I have certain times when I've "romanticized" the idea of a drink: vacation on the beach, intimate talks, while I'm painting, at night when I'm playing video games......

I've been feeling really funky the past 2 or 3 days myself. Just restless, bored, kinda blah..... It's worse at night though, so I just try to get through the day somehow and often feel much better after a good night's sleep.

Just throwing stuff out here........ Think of this as a little blip - another little temptation that will make you stronger when you get through it... 6 months is totally awesome!!!!!!!!!
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