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Old 05-30-2010, 12:22 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by loveon2legs View Post
Hi everyone...I'm confused and abit taken a back by some of the posts here...from some members....and slightly offended....
I am taking my recovery very very seriously....and it really upsets me when I read that "you won't recover just through abstinence...I am now 125 days sober....have not been to an AA meeting, or rehab, or anything...I believe in God, I go to church..but I choose not to attend any meetings or does that mean in some peoples eyes that Im just abstaining??? and that my road is doomed to fail??? sometimes when I post, I almost feel like I have to edit what I say... maybe I've come to the wrong place...
Hi Loveon2legs,

This is a forum open to all. In fact those sharing the 12 Step solution of AA are actually in the minority on this particular Newcomers forum - I share that because it was shared to me and it was the only thing which saved my life.

But there are plenty of other people sharing all sorts of methods of recovery here. You seem to be very happy in your recovery. Keep sharing it - no doubt it helps you to share, as it helps others to read it. Not only is it helpful and supportive, it may just save lives.
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