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Old 05-17-2010, 08:16 AM
  # 16 (permalink)  
Just for today....
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Venus
Posts: 118

Thank you everyone for your replies. I tried to remember some of the questions that I was being asked. Why don't I have a lawyer..I don't have one because I couldn't afford the 5,000 retainer, and we seemed to be on the same page about everything. I am at the point of the default now...this means my AH failed to answer my complaint, so now I have to put in a default, which removes him from the divorce and whatever was written on the original summons and complaint is awarded to me (child support, sole custody) etc. At this point I am just waiting until we see Friend of the Court so I can do that. In my state you can't file a default until you have met with Friend of The Court.

I did have quite a concersation with him last night after a crazy weekend. I did ask him to move out, and he said that he was leaving tonight to go to his moms house. I did mention the fact that he is getting to lax about this divorce, and it doesn't feel right to have him living there anymore. I did previously give him a July 1st deadline to move out because I thought he was actively looking for "his own" place to live...turns out his plan all along was to go to his moms house. So, I said if that is your plan, then go now. He managed to manipulate me so bad that at the end I was feeling bad. All the more reason he needs to leave...Then today he called and said he was gonna start moving some stuff "since I really wanted him to go"...he's so good that I almost said, well if you want to stay 1 more week...but I didn't.

I was supposed to be going out of town with friends this weekend, and now I am feeling so bad I am thinking about cancelling it.

I am very ready for divorce, I am not afraid to stand on my own 2 feet...I just need to start caring more about myself and my kids, and realize where we are in this...I don't have to give any explaniations or try to cushion his fall..we are done..finished..adios..but for some reason I still feel bad for him....I feel bad for a man who has abused alcohol, been unfaithful over and over and is contributing nothing to my insane is that?

I am so done with it, but I am afraid to be done with it....makes no sense.
What's going on?????
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