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Old 05-14-2010, 10:57 AM
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Just for today....
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Venus
Posts: 118
Still enabling even in a divorce...


I am about 2 1/2 months into my divorce. AH is still living with me. Things are pretty much going back to "the usual". I have given him a move out date of July 1st. Which I thought was acceptable. 3 months to come up with a place to live (which I think he will wind up at his moms)
Anyway, he is now giving me money for his truck payment, his part of the insurance and an occasional 20.00 for groceries. I in turn am still footing the bill for the mortgage, utilities, daycare, food, living expenses, etc. He is working. I believe he has money to help me out, but it goes into his business and "other" things.
he is trying to convince me not to go through the Friend of the Court...He has not filed his taxes in 4 years (I always file seperate) he is worried and he wants to work out an agreement on the side with me, so that "in the event he has a slow season or when he loses his unemployment" he won't go to jail.
I actually considered this, because I didn't want him to get in trouble. Huh???

Then today he calls and is complaining his car is running on fumes, and he is screwed because he has many more lawns to cut and has no idea how to do it. Clearly, he knew I got paid today, so I know where this was going. I ALMOST told him that I could give him 100.00 on loan if he needed it, until he could pay me back...then it occured to me that tomorrow he is going to the casino with his "friend" who is supposedly going to foot the bill (yea, whatever) so I kept my mouth shut about the loan...but when I hung up the phone I felt terrible, like I should help him.

I am not sure why I have a problem standing up for myself, putting my foot down and saying no. There are so many things that happen in my house (him going on dates, drinking, etc.) that I just bite my tounge about, because I don't want to rock the boat, and just want to get through this with the least amount of drama...but at what expense to my dignity?

He is so good at manipulaing me..before I even know what happened, I am doing things I don't want to do...It makes me feel like crap, like I am being used. I thought this is why I got divorced.

Do you think this will change any when/if he moves out? I know I need to make better decesions and look out for my kids and I, not him.
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