Old 03-11-2010, 11:34 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
A jug fills drop by drop
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I"m going to give a friend of mine who works at the school $50 today and ask her to be on call for times like this. She loves my kids, has kids their age, and has told me that she will watch them anytime.

Now aren't these angels God sent your way?

transform, I know you can make it. Breathe. Can I complain in your thread?? I am overworked and need to take care of now 8 cats! receive the electrician at 530 and somehow leave work earlier to receive him. Then the house is a mess so at least I would like to clean up a little before he arrives.. but how? there is no electricity and I can't see well enough to find my broom lol. Then try and go to my dance lesson then come back to tend to the cats and partner who all feel I don't spend time with them...

One task at a time
One breathe at a time

Perhaps looking for the divorce papers can be done tomorrow when you are less stressed? the important thing is that you are taking the decision, I would say kids/work are more important. Perhaps look for them during the weekend?
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