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Old 06-18-2004, 12:48 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
amandaleepiscea's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: left of center
Posts: 68
Yeah, I took a Dayquil or something like that one time - one of those things that is NOT supposed to make you drowsy and it didn't make me drowsy, but it DEFINITELY made me WEIRD! I hear ya...

The steps have made such a huge difference in my life, they are the path to freedom, just like they say. I am glad you are feeling better. Isn't it amazing how all feelings really DO eventually pass? Once we become willing to really FEEL them, that is!

I'm feeling a LOT of feelings lately - tough ones... but I am getting through. Thanks to meetings, sponsor, steps, and phones. Once I got a little freedom from the desire to use DRUGS, well, all these OTHER manifestations of my addiction came sneaking up on me demanding my attention and showing how many areas I have room for growth in. God knows if I DIDN'T have a program I would be a mess!

Have a great weekend... much love to you! amanda
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