But some people in the meetings aren't real alcoholics. So they don't feel like they need the book or the steps. And they don't. They can get sober and stay sober by sitting around the tables talking about anything under the sun. And that's fine for them. They just need each other. Human power works for them. The only requirement for the fellowship is a "desire" to stop drinking. So anyone can go. But then there's the real alcoholic who needs so much more than meetings. So be careful. These days we have some of people who know better than the book. Philosophers, Psychiatrists, Preachers, and such who try to speak for AA as a whole, but don't know what the hell they are even talking about. They just repeat all the silly sayings they've heard made up by the fellowship, many of which directly contradict what the book says. Like "Think through the drink.." and "Meeting makers make it.."...
id changed one word.."some" to "lots" in that first sentence.
that my experience anyhow.
the problem manifests itself when a real alcoholic walks into those meetings.
and the message they receive is the type you mentioned.
then they cant understand why all the group therapy and catches phrases do nothing to unravel the root of the problem.
further more they see others "lighting up"...because the alcohol was removed hence problem gone..
i come across newcomers of my type often.....dying in wishy washy AA.
like my sponsor come across me.
i dont talk of AA as a whole..........just my experience of my bit.
i only have experience of recovering from alcoholism using the 12 steps laid out in the book alcoholics anonymous.
i dont know sh@t about applying them to anything else.