Thread: Now what?
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Old 01-03-2010, 11:17 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 139
Now what?

Ok, so ABF has not drank anything since New Years Day.
He was here last night for dinner, played video games together, he stayed the night, this morning we went grocery shopping. He drank juice and water the whole time.
It was great! I had a really great time with him.

I told him of my new boundry. I do not want to be around him if he drinks and I do not want alcohol in my house and I do not want alcohol around my kids. He's accepted that.
But, we do not live together. I think he realizes now that if he gets back to where he was, I'm gone, and for good this time. I'm not kidding around, this is the FINAL SHOT. I have no time for this crap anymore!

So...with those boundries in place...what do I do if he starts drinking again, but at HIS place? I mean, I cannot tell him that if he picks up a beer can in his own home that I'm leaving him, can I?
I gave him boundries about MY personal space and my children.
If I tell him that should he drink again I'm gone...that's codie behaviour and I'm trying to avoid that.
But I know in my heart that if he starts again, I'm gone!
Do I say anything? Do anything?
Now that I've set these boundries, I'm worried that I'm opening myself up to lying and hiding alcohol.
I do not want to be lied to, I want him to be open and honest, but he won't be open and honest if he knows the end result is losing me and his family.

Rock<ME>Hard Place
Hmmm, any advice??

(By the way, I am basically just waiting for the day that he starts again. I am hopful that this is really it for him, but he refuses to seek help of any kind. It's day 3 and he thinks he's cured. I hate feeling this way, I hate feeling like in my heart I know he's destined to fail.
As I layed beside him in bed last night, I wanted to burst out crying because I figure that was the last time we layed happy and him sober.
Great, now I really AM crying. This sucks)
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