Thread: Alera's CBA
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Old 11-19-2009, 03:26 PM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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Posts: 257
I've done one of these before outside of SMART; it was called a 'payoff matrix'....

1.What do I enjoy about my drinking, what does it do for me (be specific)? (pros of continuing to use)
-Escape from boredom & the tediousness of daily life
-Makes artistic expression much more fun (playing music, listening to music, painting, drawing, writing poetry)
-Numbs out feelings of depression, loss, rejection, or grief
-Calms me down, decreases anxiety...even if it's positive in nature (elation)
-Makes me feel more sociable and easier to talk to others in public
-Takes the edge off sexual encounters, significantly decreasing performance anxiety

2. What do I hate about my drinking, what does it do to me (give specific examples)? (cons of continuing to use)
-Fills my time with voids of non-productive 'play' (watching movies, playing video games, online activity)
-reinforces my social isolation
-weight gain and physical erosion (high BP, poor liver functioning)
-loss of control; not knowing what I did during blackouts
-aggression, verbal outbursts, instigating fights/arguments
-keeps me in a bubble, preventing any progress in key areas of my life (school, job, career, relationships)

3. What do I think I will like about giving up my addiction? (pros of quitting)
-no more hangovers
-no more guilt and shame
-no more lying or hiding things
-improved physical health
-improved job performance
-progress on educational/career goals

4. What do I think I won't like about giving up my addiction? (cons of quitting)
-Dealing with boredom, finding new activities to fill my time
-losing interest in past activities
-confronting feelings, especially painful ones
-loss of 'reward' at the end of the day
-inability to deal with anxiety and nervousness in public and around romantic partners

So does #3 outweigh #2?? ...hellz yeah!
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