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Old 10-14-2009, 02:00 AM
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Nature Girl
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: By The Lake
Posts: 60,328
Welcome to SR, I too am the mother of an addict and know the pain you feel today.

Your sad story is not much different than those of many of us moms here, including the theft, trips to pawn shops and most of all fear of what will become of them in that dark world of addiction.

What helped me, what literally saved my life was to go to meetings and surround myself with support from others who had been where I was. CoDA, Nar-Anon and Al-Anon are three similar fellowships that are not about their addiction but instead about our codependency and how to regain our balance and live our lives well instead of living in fear every hour of every day.

Take a read around, make yourself comfortable here, and know that you are among friends who truly understand and who are walking with you on our journey of recovery.

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