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Old 08-25-2009, 03:28 AM
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I totally utterly and absolutely agree with LB Cher.

You'll never hear me say a relapse is acceptable - but sometimes in early recovery we try to juggle a lot at once - sometimes like or not we lose it.

The lesson to learn is not that we suck, but that we're human - and we need to accept that so we can factor that in to our equations in future.

You've got work to do and things to sort out, sure - but first get some perspective here.

You did not lose everything, you did not return to square one - unless you let loathing, fear, and recrimination take you there.

You have everything to show for those 102 days - everything.

I've seen the journey you've been on, I've been here for most of it - don't let a moment of madness overshadow those 102 hard earned hard fought days.

I'm not a great fan of counting days - it's useful in some ways but IMO it can be woefully inadequate in others. You can't map a journey like this, like yours, by days - not completely.

You took a wrong turn and hit a cul de sac.

Reverse out and get back on the right road...and once you get your bearings and learn from this? Don't look back.

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