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Old 08-20-2009, 06:39 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Saint Louis, MO
Posts: 285
Pulling off Scabs Helpful?

This is just a general question for those of you who have done any kind of extended work in therapy. Recently I have been going through lots of uncomfortable/difficult stuff that I really don't like talking about. It puts me in a crappy mood after the sessions that lingers along with shame/self-loathing. I am conflicted about how much this is helpful and whether or not it is good for my sobriety. I mean: I am definitely closer to a drink/drug after therapy when we do hard stuff and I don't know if I should be risking this at all right now. More broadly, I am wondering if there is a long-term benifit, other than just an aphorism like "oh it's good to talk about it." I am not sure if it is good or not. If the goal is feeling better about myself, I find that focusing on the positives and eschewing the negatives to be benifical. But then again, maybe the point is coming to accept all things as they are, no matter how unpleasant. Does anyone have similar experience? Any advice as to whether or not working stuff out in therapy pays dividends or is an unwarranted risk at this point? I will continue to go to therapy but I consider just philibustering on more pleasant topics sometimes.
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