Thread: Love
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Old 06-02-2009, 07:41 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by freya View Post
When I was a freshman in college I took an aesthetics (philosophy of beauty) class. And at one point the professor told us that when we truly recognize and appreciate something as "beautiful" we do not desire to own it or possess it or change it in anyway, but rather intensely desire just that it be just what and as it is and feel that it is an almost overwhelming honor and gift just be be able to be in its presence.

I've always remembered that, and, to me, it seems, really, to be what true "love" is about...but, obviously, that is an ideal to strive toward, not the nuts and bolts of everyday life....but it does kinda go along with the Al Anon idea that the only true way to respect the dignity and freedom of another person is to accept that person as who they really are, even if that means that we can no longer have him/her in our lives.

In the rooms I've heard a lot of people say that they've realized that what they thought was love (and what they were taught in their families of origin was "love") they now realize was some combination of obligation, duty, and/or a fear-based desire to control for selfish reasons. That's kinda interesting -- in a very weird way -- because it's like pretty much the exact opposite of the aesthetics thing.

I like that idea quite a bit - accepting something as beautiful just the way it is. Almost like an idea of perfection - it is just because it is. I suppose I accept our relationship, and him, as imperfect right now, not a beautiful, or romanitic love, and for some time - I have lived with that - not necessarily been happy about it - but lived with it. Which leads right into the next part of this post - living for duty, or obligation, security, or even just normalcy.

And this puts things right back in my lap - that I was raised to do for others -to be the perfect daughter who sacrificed to make others happy, did what my parents wanted because I had not yet found what I wanted and because I wanted their love. I'm hoping this is a step towards learning what it is I really do want - and finding out who I really am.....
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