Old 05-25-2009, 06:53 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
SexyCeloryStick's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 49
I had been that way for years, coming into work all the time with huge bags under my eyes. Half the time I was drinking so heavily, that my eyes were still bloodshot red and I was still feeling heavily buzzed by the time I got to work. Even one time, I was asked if I had been drinking because my breathe smelt of alcohol (yeah, 9 hours after my last drink).

I have gone 2 1/2 weeks sober into work for the first time since I have started working there, and believe me people have noticed a change. I am no longer cranky, not tired, no bags under my eyes, I can concentrate on my work, I dont have a hint of alcohol on my breathe, and I dont take half days or call in sick anymore.

Sad part is, I never noticed the bags under my eyes until about a year into my drinking. I was 22 at the time, and when I woke up in the mornigns I look like a 70 year old man.
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