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Old 03-31-2009, 03:51 AM
  # 31 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 273
Originally Posted by mermaidgirl View Post
... Over the weekend I had time to think-attend my weekly counseling-and came to the decision that I will talk to my personal banker about taking him off my account. This should actually be an easy thing to do because he was linked to my account and not the other way around. So, he will still have an account for his paychecks to be deposited into.
Today's unfortunate task will be to take him off the account and tell him no more bailouts from my account.

We'll see...
I think this is a good idea.

From my experience however, I would make SURE that there is no way any financial or legal anything can be linked to you. I've had a particularly rough ride in this regard and can not emphasize enough that your personal finances can not be too separate.

I would in fact, closed the linked account, open a completely new account, and let him deal with his paychecks.

I would of course, tell him that this has been done (today after you have done it) as he doesn't need to be surprised that his account disappeared.

When you have never been late paying a bill in your life, never had a credit card balance ever, never borrowed money and your financial life is ruined because you are legally linked to a irresponsible or lying person it becomes an untenable situation.

Obviously do what is right for you
I just wanted to share my personal experience.

ps: Personal banker or not they will bail on you if you get in trouble, don't kid yourself.
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