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Old 02-20-2009, 09:33 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Fredericksburg, Va.
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Want to find a power greater then your self?

Punch a cop in the face!!!!! Within minutes you will be finding out that the power of the Police force is far greater then you are!!!!

I have a power greater then myself, he (yes I call him because it is just what I am comfortable with) does not fit any religous mold that I am familiar with. I did not find him in the Bible, the Quoran, The Torah, or any other scripture, yet I see him in all of them!!!

Is he of any sex, color, faith? I do not know, nor do I really care. Does he have a body, is he a vapor, is he every where yet no where at the same time? I do not know, nor do I really care!

I call him/her/it God! Why? Why not? Look up the definition of God in the dictionary, he fills the bill!

Do I worship him? Nope. Do I build shrines or temples for him? Nope! Why?

Where did I find this HP that I choose to call God? Well I have discovered that he was with me the whole time I sought him and my preconcieved ideas & prejudices kept me from being able to tell that he was within me all along. In order to find him I had to be willing to set aside all prejudices and preconcieved ideas I had, open my mind to all possibilites and seek my HP, once I was able to honestly do that I found my HP within me.

BTW DK, Bill W. discusses that he found his HP the same way I did, he threw aside all of his preconcieved Ideas and prejudices and he found him!!!

Yes DK, Bill W. did not find his HP in any religion or church, he did not find his HP in any scripture, Bill found his HP within himself.

Dk you can find this in the BB if you read it setting aside all preconcieved ideas you may have and all prejudices.

What in my opinion is the biggest preconcieved idea that most people, myself included was that kept me from finding a HP?

The preconcieved idea that in order for a HP to be real that HP has to tie to some form of religion or scripture!!!!

Mine sure does not.

Oh yea DK, speak to a Hindu some time, they beleive in a great may Dieties, some even primarily honor/worship only one of the many dieties, yet all of them recognize according to thier faith that there is one diety who reigns over them all..... so are they truely not monotheistic.
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