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Old 12-29-2008, 06:55 PM
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Kellye C
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Highlands, TX
Posts: 1,192
Yeah, I found that to be true also. Food was my primary addiction. Then I had gastric bypass and could no longer stuff feelings with food. I was married to an alcoholic and like a true codie I did everything I could to "fix or change" him. Didn't work so I decided if you can't beat em join em. 3.5 years later I was a physically addicted alcoholic facing organ failures and still unable to stop. Got into AA and got sober in 2004. Enter food again. I'm nowhere near the size I was before I definitely packed on some weight since getting sober.

Once thing I did learn that has helped. All my life I have had this void, or "hole" if you will, inside me and I have sought different things to fill it to make me feel complete. Food, men, alcohol. None of it worked. Once I got into AA, started working the steps and developed a relationship with my Higher Power I found that I did not need to fill that hole with a substance. It doesn't work. For the first time I didn't feel that void or emptiness. Now I eat more because of stress or boredom than anything else. I need to get a handle on that but at least it's not because I am trying to stuff down feelings anymore.

Good luck in working through the causes and conditions of why you used. Once you do then hopefully you will no longer look for substitute addictions.

Take care,
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