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Old 04-13-2004, 09:23 AM
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Waiting For Engines
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Re: some days I wish I had never been born


That's a terrific example you provided. Hearing your "transgressions" in a public venue cannot be more humbling of an experience, as a health care professional. I'm certain that it was an experience which was both extremely painful, but probably, extremely eye-opening.

I experienced something, not quite as severe as what you did, but something which made me look at my life and, eventually change. I worked for a health care facility and was eventually "discovered", when my colleagues found two jugs of liquid Vicodin in my desk drawer. I was turned in and I was so angry and bitter as this could have resulted in me losing my state license forever. I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I was blessed to have been caught, as I never would have stopped using these drugs. I was provided with a choice by my employer. I could have not resigned and this would have been reported or I could "resign" with a neutral reference, as I was employed there for five years. Obviously, there was no choice, having a young child. I left. And I left on my own accord. My head wasn't hung high at the time, but now I am proud of what did happen in my life. I detoxed from a heavy opiate addiction and became clean.

Brent didn't kill anyone with what he did, except his sobriety, which can be reclaimed. I want him to know that people's perceptions are just that. Perceptions.

Brent. You are a terrific person, from what I know of you on the forum. There is nothing you could have done in that darn CD-R which would ever taint my perception of you. Although this may not mean much since you are not in my "real life," you are in my life, on this board. I care about you, man. I want you to know that...
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