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Old 04-13-2004, 07:54 AM
  # 14 (permalink)  
eddie z.
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Re: some days I wish I had never been born

What ksos said!! When I'm freaked out about something, I ask myself, "What's the worst that could happen?" And then try to be REALISTIC in my answer to that question. You didn't kill anyone, right? The SWAT team isn't going to ram in your door, right? I have to take ksos' advice and say, "So what" and "F*** 'em," and move on.

Do you know about my board hearing? Just last month, I had all my professional transgressions read out loud in front of an audience! All the stealing, lying, shooting up in the bathroom at work. Talk about humiliating. But it's over. It's the past. I am NOT that person today. Maybe you could consider losing the CDR as a cleansing thing. All that mess is GONE now!

I really identify with the forgetting appointments thing. You know, I have ADD as well. My big problem is scheduling things that conflict without realizing it. I HAVE TO use a planner to keep track of things. I HAVE TO write stuff down or I'll surely forget. Shucks, I write things down now, so I don't forget so much, but I STILL don't realize when things conflict. I just don't make the connections I need to. Maybe this is something else we can help each other with.

I go to the psychiatrist Friday and I was thinking about asking him if I could try the Straterra, but now the depression is kind of kicking my butt, so I don't know what to do. Part of me thinks dealing with the ADD and the "fuzzy head" will help with the depression. What do you think? What is your experience with this, since you have the same problems? THANK YOU, BRENT!!

Love, Eddie
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