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Old 09-13-2008, 12:43 PM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: looking for the sun in cold MN
Posts: 775
No, you aren't alone. MySTBXAH left a year ago and his biggest complaint with me was that I wasn't affectionate- didn't want enough sex. I wasn't that affectionate- and I didn't really feel like having sex. He turned me off. He behaved like a belligerent teenage boy. He did not initiate anything having to do with dealing with the house, going out for dates or family time, he spent all night on the computer and/or in front of the tv, spent years sleeping on the couch, lied and hid things from me- and I lived with that. My respect for him was slowly deteriorating, and he definitely did not respect me. He was verbally and emotionally abusive. I would agree that the problems were about us- my putting up with his crap, and his alcoholism. Now I realize he has a sense of entitlement that I just could not live with. Sadly- we both wanted the same thing- intimacy. But we weren't dealing with realty in a healthy way. I refuse to let his blaming get to me. I am a loving, affectionate person. And one day, if it's right, I will give that part of me to someone else.
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