Old 08-13-2008, 06:16 AM
  # 322 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: nyc
Posts: 1
this is my first time posting.. actually, it's my first time posting on any message board ever. i'm 27 years old and i gave up drinking last october for the first time. i stayed sober for seven months and i honestly didn't think i'd ever drink again (i felt genuinely good about myself for the first time in memory).. however then i became a walking cliche. i got involved with a woman, also in recovery, and when she relapsed on drugs, i got drunk. it's a long story, but the bottom line is that, since that time (the end of May) i haven't been able to put more than a handful of days together. i am worthless when i drink, and i HAVE to stop this pattern of sobering up for a few days.. until some of the guilt subsides, and then starting all over again. it's just too easy for me to give up when it's just a few days.. i've done this before, and i know that early sobriety is extremely hard, but i also know that it really does get a lot easier. i'm really hoping this might help me, even just a little..
thank you.
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