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Old 03-09-2008, 04:29 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 32
Questions for recovering alcoholics

Especially if you lost your relationships to alcohol.
A little background here is that I became a scapegoat for my exes illness, and now where he insisted he was so in love with my all this time, he now says that he never loved me and doesn't even like me. Is he just saying this to hurt me? Or is it true. How can a person just shut off emotion over night? Were you just using your ex? Do you think he was using me? Did you ever miss your ex during recovery or admit to them that it wasn't thier fault?
I had trust issues before, well now they are out of the ballpark and I am struggling with the possibility that I will never let another person in, especially if he doesn't come around and explain to me what truly was going on with him all that time. 3 years is a lot of time to live with someone you don't even like, isn't it?
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