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Old 02-25-2008, 11:33 AM
  # 38 (permalink)  
Drug Addiction Has No Mercy
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Milwaukie Oregon
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He doesn't have to be homeless .. there are plenty of shelters and rehabs so on and so forth. If he is homeless then it is by his choice. He could go to a shelter and keep his truck. It all comes down to choices .. HIS choices. There are other options for him .. he just has to use them. He has the knowledge and the know how ... now he has to muster up the want to.

Do you want to know what a sure sign is that someone is truly ready for recovery?

A willingly-ness to do whatever it takes to get clean and I do mean WHATEVER.

Classic addict behavior=
If he is putting off till tomorrow what he needs to be doing for his recovery today then the real deal is that he is not at his rock bottom yet.

You know .. no matter what all of what is going on (meaning where he is staying right now) is NOT YOUR FAULT .. and I know you think it is .. because you threw the tantrum of all tantrums right? I encourage you to look deep into your heart and pull from it the images of the hell you had been living in, the strain and stress that you'd been living under .. this didn't happen over night and it won't fix itself overnight either. You were gonna blow eventually and he was gonna end up getting his arse kicked out of the house eventually anyway.

There is a bigger picture here .. I know you know that (and I say that with love) the truth is getting lost in the tangled, twisted and turned web of loving an addict .. and reality is slowly slipping away. The reality is you both need recovery.

The reality is you are a breath away from completely rescuing him. I know it and I feel it .. because just as much as I have been him when I was active in my drug addiction .. I have been you when I was struggling with my own recovery and issues of codependency. I know you .. because you are me at a different time in my life.

Recovery hurts but this is a healing pain .. pain for a reason, pain with a purpose.
Addiction hurts it does not heal .. there is no rhyme or reason and it has no purpose

May you choose your pain with wisdom.

I love you my friend,
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