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Old 02-14-2008, 05:47 AM
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Africa Life
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Cape Town - South Africa
Posts: 47
I was on Haldol for a the longest and it really did wonders for me. I stopped getting secret messages and evened out for a while. It really helped that my doctor insisted that what I was experiencing was not real and that there is a differentiation between what is percieved and what is. When I gained this insight into my illness I felt far more in control of what I was experiencing.

I do recomend that anything out of the norm of experience should be explained to your treating doctor so that they can know how to treat you. It is possible to get relief from symptoms and then life goes on.

I also had to move back home with my mother 15 months ago and have found the stability and regularity I get there provideds me with relief so much so that i have come to depend on the sanity that it represents to have that roof over my head and to have boundries laid down and set chores that I am responsible for. I dont consider it a failure to be living with my mother but a blessing. My disease had progressed so far that I was living on the streets. Thankfully I thought it was heavan sent that I live the way I was that was serious delusion but it protected me from the worst of what I experienced.

I lost my job too - catching aliens and demons in the bank I was working at got me hospitalised the second time and then I became willing to accept treatment. I started taking my meds religiously and they helped. The transition from then to now is remarkable. I was psychotic for years before I became enough of a menace that I got locked away and treated.

I am gratefull that there are meds that you can take that can relieve the symptoms because I cant imagine what it would be like to have to live in a psychotic state for the rest of your days. Probably locked away to prevent harm to self and others. Its amazing the freedoms that our advanced civilisation can grant us.

Become informed about your diagnosis and I am sure with time you will get the correct balance of meds to experience relief but until that happens be patient and and create a quiet secure environment for yourself so that you dont aggrevate any symptoms.

thank you for letting me share.
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