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Old 02-09-2008, 07:10 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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I think you would have to be given sainthood if you could walk around with an aura of peace and glad tidings while financial pressures, lack of sleep (which is can totally change your entire physical and mental balance) addict behavior, immaturity, and most of all fear for innocent babies is all going on at once.

For me, in your shoes, this would be one of those bumps in life where the only thing I might be able to handle is to just breathe. That has gotten me through many a day.

I'm so glad you have so much support and love in your life...both here (because we really do love you!!) and in the noncyber world. My prayer at this moment is that you a blissfully sleeping right now and that you will be at least until noon your time. That physical healing would be a good first step to emotional healing too.

HP has you, hubbie, daughter, sil and those precious babies. I hope you can be very very kind and gentle to yourself this weekend, spend some needed time where no kids or grandkids are mentioned and let hP drive for a bit. Hugs and prayers.

oh and that accountant....never met one who didn't have other issues...They just put on a good show for the world, while things fall apart inside. No one is exempt from pain; we are the lucky ones who understand how HP works with us to get through the pain and grow.
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