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Old 02-09-2008, 04:39 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: homebased
Posts: 408
Awwww Big Sis

I am so sorry all this is going on...

Please don't be too hard on yourself.... progress not perfection

today is a new day....I hope you can take a deep breath and change what you can (make amends if necessary) and accept what is for now

as always....babies are a priority and I know grandma will do what is needed to keep the babies safe while letting mama and papa continue life's lessons

on another note,
Boy could I relate about the successful "accountant" hoping to put his assests into a profitable retirement account!!
I find myself envying those types too....
me?...I am hoping to make it to retirement with a shred of sanity still intact!!

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