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Old 02-08-2008, 11:23 PM
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Belgian Sheepdog Adictee
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First let me say DID NOT screw up. Please remember that we are also BIG MAMA LIONS when one of our own is threatened and your grandbabies ARE THREATENED by the situation they are in.

You did what comes natural. Yes sometimes the program is in direct odds to what comes natural, <g>

With all my ODAATs in both AA and Alanon, when one of 'mine' is threatened I too have the tendency to go into ATTACK mode.

Now mind you I am not saying this is 'right' or 'wrong' it is JUST LIFE.

You have come so far...............................this is just a little bump in the road. I am glad Mr. Big took the car. Your daughter will just have to find out the consequences of chosing 'him' over her children. Sounds like the way things are going CPS will be taking those kids (or you will).

I know your daughter has to learn by her own experiences, but the grandbabies I am sure are what you are concerned about.

As to

I got up in the son-in-law's face and ripped him a new one............................................... .But I used all MY big self to wipe the floor with him.
Maybe he heard just a 'teeny' bit, maybe not. I know at the moment it was happening you were venting. Now you are beating yourself up. DON'T.

Please are human, as humans we do make mistakes, we are not perfect.

"Progress not perfection."

In my book your progress has been phenomenal!!!!!


Love and hugs,
laurie6781 is offline