Old 02-08-2008, 09:15 PM
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Rob B
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Southern New Hampshire
Posts: 746
The fellowship of AA has been a great gift to me, as a man with a background in clinical psychology meetings often fascinate me. My experience with some groups is that members attempt to "out sick" each other.
As in "I drank two pints of whiskey just to get out of bed,"

"Well I drank 4 pints"

"That's nothing, I drank 7 pints and resorted to canibalism"

this is extreme but you get my point and probably have witnessed this group mentality.

Other peoples war stories don't impact me one way or the other. I know I am a real alcohlic for several reasons. When I drink I lose all control, I have no power over the amount I drink once I start. I am restless, irritable and discontent unless I can experience the ease and comfort which a few drinks gives me. I can reconcile my personal experience with every description our basic text, The Big Book uses to describe alcoholism.

My suggestion, find a sponsor who understands the nature of alcoholism and submit yourself to the process, an authentic 1st step experience will reveal your truth, then you can make an informed decision as to if you even need AA and the program of recovery. I wish you well. Rob
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