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Old 01-10-2008, 03:01 PM
  # 11 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Douglas, MA
Posts: 43
I appreciate everyone's responses they have been great.

There has been one thing I have noticed about a lot members of this forum, and I am not saying that it is a bad thing by any means. It seems like people jump on things to I guess bring you back to reality. (i.e. someone quits and someone is right there to say quitting is enough, you need to go further, you need to do this, that, etc...) I can totally understand where a lot of you guys are coming from, some have lost bits and pieces of their lives, and others, maybe not so much. It's almost like being a recovering alcoholic, you are thrown behind the eight ball without being given the opportunity to make a change. My intention on being here may or may not be to remain sober. I don't know what the future holds for me, and I can't sit here and honestly say I won't drink again. That's not really my intention of removing alcohol from life right now. My intention was to make a change to the way I live my life, and reflect back on what it was I have done for the last 5 years or so. I'm young and fortunately for me I was able to realize that I did have a problem and needed to change something before my life got out of control. AA may work for some but doesn't work for all. Your motivator to remain sober can be whatever you choose it to be, there's no right and no wrong. For me I just don't feel a support group is going to keep me motivated to stay off of alcohol. I think looking at what I've learned and where I want to go is enough for me to realize that I have a chance to make something of myself. I have an excellent opportunity in front of me to put my talents and skills to use, or can waste them by continuing to live the way I was. That's a pretty good motivator right there. I'm still in school, I already have a B.A., and I love doing what I'm doing, and I'm certainly not going to waste everything I've been through for alcohol.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm not doing what I'm doing to be 100% sober for the rest of my life. I'm doing this cause I needed a change. 8 days sober is a big deal, more importantly it's a learning experience. I don't know how long I will stay sober, I will do what I have to until I feel I can handle alcohol responsibly. Some of you might doubt I ever will, some might support me, that's really not for me say. Like I've been told before, why would I want to go through what I went through all over again??? I don't and I will make every effort in my life to be sure that I never go through that again. I wish you all and myself the best the luck, thank you!!!
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