Old 10-10-2007, 11:22 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
Recovering Nicely
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 935
He's not going to be that easy, trust me, I know him. I just talked with the partner at my job. I wanted to let her know that I may not be myself and I may also need some time off if I go to lawyers and such. I have been here 8 years, and she knows the deal and my AH. She asked if I had life insurance on him. I told her yes. She suggested that we only get legally separated, not divorced. She said why should I give up widows SS, sell all the assets, etc., if divorced I will be off life insurance, when clearly he is going downhill very fast health wise (he is, alcoholic liver disease, chronic liver failure and BAL of 400 in May). Just said it's something to think about. I've invested alot of years w/him and if I continue to go to Alanon and just maintain some distance, such as move out, but get legally separated, it would be better.
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