Old 10-07-2007, 10:21 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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You could always get those little food cards too, you know like from Trader Joes, or even fast food places have them for like $5.00. My parents get me those every so often from Trader Joes, and I hide them from myself and save them for emergencies like he is going through, them are like a Godsend when you need them. I buy those little fast food things for my sister in college, lol, cuz those boneheads are always broke, they don't know how to spend their money, lol.. J/K..
I am with Lobo though, I would never ask for money for anything even food. That's me anyways.
I remember when I was newly clean still and it was on Xmas and I was by myself, my mom was so upset already that I was by myself, and I called her and they were all eating Xmas dinner, and at the time, I couldn't find enough money to even go buy a top ramen, and I was starving. She would have died if she knew that. But I would never upset her w/stuff like that, even though I know she would have gotten me food that night, lol. oh man those days.
oh btw, that's another good thing to buy him a case of top ramen.
lol, it's only a few dollars and last forever and is perfect for emergencies. lol
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